Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat, gave me some insight about the students and their lives. If you ask me, every student studying engineering or a professional course goes through this. Anyways, it's not really fair to judge them so easily. About the book: it's a very well written book. I really loved the author's style of writing. The humor is great! There are times when I thought that even after putting in such long hours and efforts in studying, how come these people are just five-point-something? Anyway, the characters are really cool. Its very easy to relate to them. Whether you agree with the author all the way or not, you'll find it an amusing read.
Its about 3 buddies from IIT Delhi - Ryan, Alok and Hari - their experience with the IIT way of life - crammed schedules, booze, pink floyd, girlfriends and grey haired profs. Chetan Bhagat deserves a pat on this back for his style of writing. The language is simple, fluent, easy; yet very vivid; There is a lot of desi lingo and ’IITian speak’. Far from being great literature, the language is very casual. This teen-speak, in fact, is a real plus for this book. It gets you into the teenage mindset : Free spirited and Clueless.. Larger than Life attitude.
I found the book to be nostalgic at times... Yeah, these are the very things we did back in college. How we as students always complained about the education system, the assignments and the profs. How rock music was highly regarded and how guys could never understand the girls they went around with. The humour is well balanced. Witty and rib tickling. It keeps you glued and you can finish the book in a shot.
Five point someone does come out with some strong messages :
- Academic performance is not everything is life. Yes, it is an important part of student life. But Friends, Freaking out and Fun are an equally important part of your life, as a student. Dont miss out on the later..
- Most teenagers are cluless about what they want from life. Teenagers get in and out of the academic system with the ’herd mentality’. Good jobs, western lifestyle is what they seek.. thats it... There is a lack of passion, a lack of vision towards life.
- Our academic systems, even the very best - IITs - are too course oriented. This, at times, supressses true creativity. As they say, ’’I was born intelligent, Education ruined me’’
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